My experiences with this class:
This class was my first online course that I have taken at UNE. Initially I was hoping to learn how I could blog about my family’s genealogical history. However, I changed my mind completely and opted to focus on my family’s homesteading practices. Besides the blog, I have learned numerous skills:
- Tweet
- Create a Meme
- Create a GIF
- Understand and edit HTML code
- Completing Daily Create projects which involved answering unique challenges with a sense of urgency.
Final Outcome:
My troubleshooting skills increased with this class. I found that attention to detail, planning, and checklists were both necessary in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
Official Class Description:
This course takes a hands-on approach to exploring reading and writing in digital (Web) environments. Students in the course consider ways that digital writing environments create opportunities for writers to address multiple audiences, to bring together visual and alphabetic texts and to involve readers in the construction of those texts. Students in the course will develop a variety of digital texts, including blogs, websites and wikis. Students’ work will be collected in an e-portfolio designed and assembled over the course of the term. This course is an elective for the English major and minor, the Writing minor, and the Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities major.
Academic Evidence:
For evidence of what I have learned, navigate to my DS106 page.
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