Student/Peer Reviews, Feedback and Revision

A week before the symposium, LIL-420 members were supposed to meet in class, present their projects, and be peer reviewed. Unfortunately I was very sick and could not attend. However, I sent my poster PDF to Professor Frank, who projected the image on the wall. This didn’t work very well, as it was difficult for the students to view. The good news is that they were able to provide me some wonderful feedback, which I took action on prior to sending the poster to the printers.

This version is what the students saw:

This was the finalized product after taking into account all of their feedback.

Peer Review and Revision

Unfortunately, I was sick out sick on the day I was supposed to present my presentation to my peers. I had sent Professor Frank a PDF of my poster, which evidently did not project well on the wall-the writing was very small.

Despite me being absent and unable to explain my project fully, my fellow students still provided me with valuable feedback. I made some significant changes in the small window of time between the feedback session and the printing deadline.

Significant changes:


Additional Sections (including formal conclusion)

Editing Section Titles

Increase Font

Increase Size of Timeline
