DS106 Demotivate Yourself

This demotivational message took me a long time to create.  I don’t typically view many memes (with the exception of Office Space memes, which if you understand the context are the most accurate I have run across) and those aren’t usually demotivational in nature.  I believe that when you view a multitude of memes, like my daughters do on a daily basis, they are easier to design.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create this meme with an image that I had taken versus an image bank.  Therefore, this meme was created from a two year old picture of my daughter Cara, who is standing in front of a Justice League movie promotional cutout inside the Saco Cinemagic lobby.  Just as a reference point, each member of our family had a picture taken with the cutouts separately, posing seriously and heroically as if we were a team member of the Justice League.  However, when it was time to take Cara’s picture, she decided that her fragrant, buttery popcorn was more interesting than any superhero pact.  Who can resist freshly made popcorn?

That is what made this image stand apart for me and it makes me laugh every time.



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