DS 106 IMAGES-The Forrest Gump Project

Perhaps Forrest Gump is the original photo bomber-


But I think it’s more than that.  Forrest actually interacted with the figures of history that he was in the photo with.  This was not the case with me-

I chose to join the historical Ellen DeGeneres selfie photo.  Although it may not be a highly esteemed moment in history, at the time, it broke all of the records for the most tweeted selfie.  I figured that this was an appropriate historical moment for in light of the ENG 304 course.  At the Academy awards on March 2, 2014, Ellen managed to organize a selfie with Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Spacey, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt,  and Angelina Jolie.  Bradley Cooper was also in the picture-he actually pressed the button. 

I found an image of myself that seemed to be the right scale and shape to paste over Kevin Spacey.  I also tried to match the image with the others’ tone, but I think that was the most difficult aspect to achieve.  I used Microsoft Paint to edit my photo and cut my image out.  Once I saved the photo, I tried to re-edit the tone of it, but I wasn’t able to get it quite right.  I wasn’t able to devote more hours to it, but the above is the end result. 


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