Home Video GIF-Helicopter Flip

It’s the season for those pesky helicopter seeds.  You know, the ones that scatter off of the oak trees.  They are everywhere right now!  Well, ever since we have owned a trampoline, my daughter, Cara, asks us to take a video of her flipping around with the helicopter seeds rising all around her.  I filmed this video yesterday.  She wasn’t too happy when I told her that I was making one of these videos a GIF, but oh well…I guess that’s parental privilege!  So at first, I uploaded the video in GIPHY and was toying around with different filters, but finally opted to go with the normal setting.  All the other filters seemed to take attention away from the action.  I originally contemplated using a sticker that said, “Look at this”.   It just didn’t seem to fit though.  So I decided to utilize a technique that has been helping me write my blog topics.  Study the image first and then pull out the text.  So I decided the wording, “helicopter flip” was most fitting.  I also chose the wavy meme text because I felt like it complemented the motion of the trampoline.  I wish there was a flip text option-that might have been ideal!

