What They Might Have Done In Social Media-Dorothea Lange










Twister Link

Fakebook Link

For the “What They Might Have Done In Social Media” project, I chose Dorothea Lange as my subject.  I think most people are aware of her photography work, particularly “Migrant Mother”, which documents Florence Owens Thompson, a poverty stricken mother facing hard times during the Depression.  Dorothea also took some profound pictures of Japanese Americans in internment camps during WWII, which after developed, were swiftly impounded by the government.  If published, the photos would have caused an uproar with the U.S. public and changed the national opinion of the Japanese American relocation effort.  Therefore, I chose Dorothea as my historical figure; if social media was available during her time, she could have posted and shared her photos via many social media outlets, perhaps creating profound social change.

I did have fun with this project, but there were definitely some kinks that I encountered with both Fakebook and Twister.  For the Fakebook page, when I typed in Dorothea’s name, it pulled up incorrect images.  One was a picture of dolls and if I typed in Dorothy Lange, it presented the picture you see in my Twister tweet, which is not Dorothea.  The image is of Florence Owens Thompson.   I did find a work around; Fakebook allows you to upload pictures.  So I was able to represent Dorothea properly on Fakebook.  However, I didn’t have this option for Twister, so I ended up using the “Dorothy Lange” name, which brought up one of her photos.  The photo that represents her disappointed me because my tweet was about Japanese Internment Camps and the photo is part of her work during the Great Depression.  Just a profile picture of Dorothea would have been the best option.  Another issue I found I could not embed the projects into a WordPress page, so I took screenshots and inserted links for people to access the work.
