DC DS106 TDC2695

The Daily Create Challenge for May 29th (#tdc2695) was to draw an innovative food worth patenting.  At the time I was contemplating what I would want to eat if I indulged in a midnight snack.  I closed my eyes and my senses went wild.  I could smell something savory, like bacon cooking.  Having a sweet tooth, I would need to pair the hickory taste to something sugary…the thought of one of my worst weaknesses flashed through my brain…caramel popcorn! Add some pretzels and plunk it into a bowl (watch out KFC, this desert bowl is my patent) and I would have an amazingly unhealthy, tooth decaying, indulgent treat that most people would not hesitate to leave the couch for.  The hardest part of the challenge was actually drawing the diagram of the picture.  As you can probably tell, I am clearly not an artist, but I did want to push the “It’s a classic” tagline to detract from the sketch.
